7 Important Principles of Software Testing

Are you working as a Software Tester? If yes, then you should know these 7 important principles of software testing. This will help you to create a comprehensive overview of this field and helps in creating a practical approach.
Exhaustive testing is a myth |
Testing is just a proof of defects in the system |
Defect clustering |
Pesticide Paradox |
Early Testing |
Testing is context development |
Absence of error |
(1) Exhaustive testing is a myth
Exhaustive testing can define where you have created test cases for every function, and there is no feature left in the system you have not tested. Practically, this is not possible. Every tester test the system based on risk assessment. More the risk of that module, the more the number of test cases for that particular module.
(2) Testing is just proof of defects in the system
Software testing is termed as proof of anomalies in the system based on requirements. But vice versa is not true. You can't say if anomalies or defects are not there; your system is 100% defect-free. So as a tester, you never committed to testing, which gives you defect-free software. If you are claiming, you are just showing that your fundamentals are weak.
(3) Defect clustering
According to this principle, most defects are found in only 20% of software modules. So, always try to figure out that module and test it properly.
(4) Pesticide Paradox
This principle shows why new talent is important in software testing. If you are working on software for the last 2 or 3 years, finding new bugs after one stimulated time is tough. For finding new bugs, you need to introduce new people and methodologies for testing.
(5) Early Testing
It is very much required to test software early in the software development life cycle. More early you find a bug in the software, the less the cost of fixing that bug.
(6) Testing is context development
People are saying that testing is easy and boring. If you are saying so, you are not experiencing this field. Testing is different for every product. If you are working on an e-commerce site, testing is different. For doing the test of the e-commerce site, you need to learn e-commerce terms and fundamentals. Suppose in the next project; you are working on a banking site; testing is totally different. For doing the test of banking sites, you need to learn the banking domain. This gives way to new learning of different domains.
(7) Absence of error
If your developer claims a defect-free system, then it is the tester's responsibility to check all requirements exhaustively and show defect-free system is a myth. You always find some bugs in any system. It depends on the tester how hard he tries to find bugs.
Above are 7 principles, always remember by heart and always use them while doing testing.
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