Brief Overview: File System in Linux

The File system is used to control how data is stored and retrieved. Each file served a specific purpose. Remember one thing, Everything is a file in Linux. This blog provides a brief overview of a File System in the Linux operating system.
Directory | Description |
/root | contains everything in the root directory. It is the home directory of the root user. |
/bin | User Binaries/ Executable Files for user applications |
/sbin | system binaries for admin |
/home | Users home directory |
/boot | contains files needed to boot the system. e.g. GRUB bootloader |
/etc | contains configuration files (host-specific). It is used to control the operation of a program. Most popular directory among users. |
/etc/passwd | password file |
/etc/group | User group file |
/etc/shadow | contains shadow password suite |
/etc/inittab | configuration file for init |
/dev | contains device files |
/var | contains variable data files |
/etc/motd | contains post login message of day file |
/proc | contains process & kernel information |
/usr | user programs. It is recommended to keep Linux system files. |
/lib | contains essential shared libraries and kernel modules needed by the programs on the root file system |
/media | removable devices |
/selinux | SELinux configuration files. It contains all policy files and main configuration files. |
/tmp | contains temporary files |
/opt | third party applications |
/srv | contains data for servers |
/mnt | temporary mount directory |
/run | used to store temporary data |
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