How to Disable Services in Linux

Linux system provides a list of commands to manage running services on a system. This article covers some of the commands that will help manage services.
(1) Display the status of services
sudo service --
sudo systemctl disable apache2
(2) ps command
Display Options
ps --

Display a list of services
ps ax

You can use grep command with pipe (|) command to identify a specific command
ps ax | grep terminal

Now you can use the kill command to terminate the service
kill -9 <PID>
(3) netstat command
Display the network protocol details such as Type, State, I-Node, etc.
netstat -lp

(4) update-rc.d
Another script update-rc.d is available on Linux that can be used to disable services.
update-rc.d --

To remove services
update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
Linux has a lot of flexibility for configuring services on a system. Administrators just need to know the commands that need to be removed or disabled from the system.
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