Top 100 Linux Interview Questions

- What is Linux?
- Is there any difference between UNIX and LINUX?
- What is BASH?
- What is Linux Loader(LILO)?
- What is the Linux Kernel?
- Discuss a recent project in Linux which you have done.
- What is the maximum length for a filename under Linux?
- What are filenames that are preceded by a dot?
- Explain virtual desktop.
- Explain steps to share a program across different virtual desktops under Linux.
- What does a nameless (empty) directory represent?
- Explain the PWD command in Linux.
- What are daemons in Linux?
- How do you switch from one desktop environment to another, such as switching from KDE to Gnome?
- What kinds of permissions are available under Linux?
- Are commands in Linux case sensitive?
- What is your role in your current project?
- What are the environmental variables?
- What are the different modes available in Linux when using the vi editor?
- Is it possible to use a shortcut for a long pathname?
- What is the redirection in Linux?
- What is the grep command?
- Explain the possible reasons for a command that was issued gave a different result from the last time it was used.
- What are the contents in /usr/local?
- How do you terminate an ongoing process?
- How do you insert comments in the command line prompt?
- Explain command grouping and how does it work?
- Which command is used to look for files with an extension “c”, and has the occurrence of the string “orange” in it?
- Which command is used to display all .txt files, including its individual permission?
- What is the command to calculate the size of a folder?
- Explain how to uninstall the libraries in Linux?
- List out 10 commands which you use frequently.
- List out commands for user management.
- What are the important port numbers for Linux system?
- What is the description for Kernel?
- What is a single user system?
- List out some Linux networking and troubleshooting commands.
- Why is Linux considered more secure than other operating systems?
- What is Redirection in Linux?
- List out some Linux file content commands?
- What are system calls used for process management in Linux?
- Explain the features of Stateless Linux server.
- What are system calls used for process management in Linux?
- What is the Linux shell?
- What is the role of case sensitivity in affecting the way commands are used?
- List out differences between Cron and Anacron.
- Explain the Linux Directory commands along with the description?
- What are the different modes when using the vi editor?
- How permissions are granted under LINUX?
- Explain the 3 kinds of file permissions under LINUX?
- How can you determine the total memory used by LINUX?
- List out some Linux distributors (Distros) along with its usage?
- Write a shell script that prints all the additional arguments passed to it in reverse order?
- Which command used to uninstall processes in Linux?
- Explain Linux boot files.
- List out differences between swap partition and swap file.
- What are shared, slave, private, and unbindable mountpoints?
- Explain RHEL4.
- Explain RHEL5.
- What are the differences between RHEL4 & RHEL5?
- What is NIS server?
- Which command is used to remove files?
- What is LVM and Why it is required?
- Write steps to increase the size of LVM partition?
- Explain different modes of Network bonding in Linux?
- Is there any option to upgrade Kernel in Linux?
- Explain load average in Linux?
- Explain Puppet Server.
- List out the services that are enabled at a particular run level in Linux server?
- Explain the steps to create the partition from the raw disk in Linux?
- What is Kerberos?
- How to add & change the Kernel parameters in Linux?
- Explain lvmdump in Linux?
- Explain swap space?
- What are the advantages of open source?
- What are the basic components of Linux?
- What are the multiple desktop environments in Linux system?
- What are the basic differences between BASH and DOS?
- Explain the importance of the GNU project.
- What is root account in Linux?
- What is CLI?
- What is the GUI?
- How do you open a command prompt in Linux?
- Explain the method to find memory usage in Linux.
- What are the symbolic links?
- Is Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination work on Linux or not?
- What are the methods refer to the parallel port where devices such as printers are connected?
- Are drives such as floppy drives, CD drives represented with drive letters?
- Which command do you use to change permissions under Linux?
- In Linux, what names are assigned to the different serial ports?
- How do you access partitions under Linux?
- What are hard links?
- How can you find the status of a process?
- How can you check the memory status?
- Explain how to color the Git console.
- How can you append one file to another in Linux?
- Explain how you can find a file using Terminal.
- Explain how you can create a folder using Terminal.
- Explain how you can view the text file using Terminal.
- Explain how to enable curl on Ubuntu LAMP stack.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.
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Many Thanks,