OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications

OWASP released an OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications on 16th October, 2023. The version of this document is 0.6. This document is prepared by more than 500 researchers working in the field.
The primary purpose for the creation of the OWASP Top 10 for LLM applications is to mitigate the security and safety issues in large implementations utilizing LLM.
OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications
LLM01 | Prompt Injections | This vulnerability allows attackers to inject craftily input into LLM applications, providing the intended results of the attacker |
LLM02 | Insecure Output Handling | This vulnerability arises when the LLM application accepts output without verifying the malicious nature |
LLM03 | Training Data Poisoning | This vulnerability allows the poisoning of data by malicious tainted training data |
LLM04 | Model Denial of Service | Here, vulnerability arises because of security issues during the development of LLM applications |
LLM05 | Supply Chain Vulnerabilities | Here, vulnerability arises because of security issues while the development of LLM applications |
LLM06 | Sensitive Information Disclosure | Reveal sensitive information in responses provided by LLM model |
LLM07 | Insecure Plugins Design | Remote Code Execution because of untrusted inputs |
LLM08 | Excessive Agency | This vulnerability arises due to providing excessive permissions in providing responses. |
LLM09 | Overreliance | LLM application provides an output that may be invalid |
LLM10 | Model Theft | Leakage of proprietary LLM model |
Click Here for the Checklist to perform an audit of AI/ML systems
LLM Application Data Flow
Demonstrate high-level architecture for a hypothetical large language model application

OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications
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