Testssl.sh : Tool to check SSL/TLS related vulnerabilities [Updated 2025]

Testssl is an open-source tool used to check the implementation of SSL/TLS on websites and gives a list of the cryptographic vulnerabilities or flaws by shooting simple commands on the terminal. It is an open-source and very easy-to-use bash script that uses OpenSSL. Many security researchers and developers used this tool to test SSL/TLS.
Official Website: https://testssl.sh/
- Clear and unambiguous results
- Freely available
- Open-source
- Check server's service on any port
- Exhaustive documentation available
- Easy to use
- Installation is easy
- Available for Linux, Mac, OSX, etc.
#git clone --
depth 1 https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh.git
Check for installation
Just type the below command to see whether an installation is fine or not. It also displays all options available for scanning SSL/TLS related issues.
#cd testssl.sh #./testssl.sh

We will see the usage of testssl with 10 examples as listed below:
Example 1: Check for any SSL/TLS flaws in a website
#./testssl.ssh https://localhost:9392/

Click Here for Top 12 SSL Interview Questions
Example 2: Check for banner and version of an installed testssl
#./testssl.sh -b https://localhost:9392/

Example 3: To print all local ciphers
#./testssl.sh -V https://localhost:9392/

Example 4: To test all vulnerabilities such as POODLE, BREACH, FREAK, LOGJAM, DROWN, CCS injection, etc.
#./testssl.sh -U https://localhost:9392/

Click Here for Practical Examples of OpenSSL
Example 5: To test heartbleed vulnerability
#./testssl.sh -B https://localhost:9392/

Example 6: To test against a STARTTLS enabled protocols: ftp, smtp, pop3, imap, xmpp, telnet, ldap, postgres, mysql
#./testssl.sh -t pop3 https://localhost:9392/
Example 7: To check for vulnerable RC4 ciphers without displaying a banner
#./testssl.sh --
quiet -4 https://localhost:9392/

Example 8: To check for common ciphers suites
#./testssl.sh --
quiet -f https://localhost:9392/

Example 9: To create a log in the current file directory
log https://localhost:9392/

Example 10: To checks with OpenSSL where sockets are normally used

Other Online Tools
- SSL Lab Server Test - https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest
- Mozilla Observatory tool - https://observatory.mozilla.org/
Other Offline Tools
- O-Saft (developed by OWASP and considered as SSL advanced forensic tool) - https://wiki.owasp.org/index.php/O-Saft
- SSLScan (Fast SSL Scanner) - https://github.com/rbsec/sslscan
- SSLyze - https://github.com/iSECPartners/sslyze
testssl.sh is a bash program/script that used OpenSSL to identify numerous flaws-HEARTBLEED, DRAWN, and many other similar problems associated with SSL/TLS. This tool is absolutely free and recommended many times by OWASP. In the end, we have discussed other online and offline tools used to test SSL/TLS vulnerabilities.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.
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