Top 12 Fuzzing Tools for Hackers

Fuzzing is a software testing methodology in which the hacker injects malformed or malicious inputs into the application. Generally, on receiving malformed inputs, the application behaves weirdly and leaks sensitive information or errors that give information to a hacker for further attacks. This whole set of test cases provides gaps in the security posture of the application.
Remember, Fuzzing is a black-box testing methodology where knowledge of implementation is not required. It helps in identifying security issues in the software.
You can perform fuzzing manually or by using software tools. Manual methods are quite slow and it will be difficult to find issues by using manual methods. Hence, it is always advisable to use software tools with manual methods. You may find issues of remote code execution and privilege escalation by using automated tools.
This blog lists the Top 12 Fuzzing tools used to identify vulnerabilities in software products.
(1) Codenomicon’s product suite
- developed by Synopsis
- commercial product
- test suite
- used in various industries such as automotive, SCADA, finance, etc.
(2) American Fuzzy Lop (AFL)
- open source
- brute force fuzzer
(3) Radamsa
- open source and free to use
- Stable Linux binary available but Windows executable not tested
(4) APIFuzzer
- open source and free to use
- API fuzzer
- all HTTP methods supported
- no need to code anything
(5) Jazzer
- open source
- fuzzing for the JVM platform
(6) Sulley Fuzzing Framework
- open source
- fuzzing engine
(7) boofuzz
- open source
- successor of Sulley
- fuzzing of network protocol
(8) BFuzz
- open source
- Support Chrome and Firefox browser
(9) Beyond Security’s beSTORM product
- commercial tool
- DAST with Black Box fuzzing
- able to test IoT, process control, CANbus-compatible automotive, and low-energy Bluetooth LE
(10) ForAllSecure Mayhem for Code
- commercial tool
- able to test code and APIs
- use for security and performance
- use for verification and validation of APIs
(11) CI Fuzz
- commercial tool
- able to test code
(12) Fuzzbuzz
- commercial tool
- tests your code in CI/CD
- able to test code
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.