12 iOS Application Security Testing Tools

Apple products are quite popular among the tech community because of their high quality and reliability. iOS is the operating system developed by Apple to power mobile devices. Remember, all iOS devices use ARM-based processors.
iOS Application Security is a much-needed and demanded skill in the industry. Similar to Android Application Security, iOS Application Security also needed a lot of tools to perform thoroughly. This article covers 12 iOS Application Security Testing Tools that may be useful while assessing iOS mobile applications.
Frida is a powerful and free dynamic instrumentation toolkit. This tool is used by developers, security professionals, and malware analysts.
Frida works with both jailbreaks and without jailbreak devices. Usage of Frida is not an easy task as you need to spend a lot of time exploiting this tool to its full potential.
Installation is quite easy by typing the below command:
$ pip install frida-tools
Click Here to refer to the official site of Frida for installation.
Ghidra is a free open source powerful reverse engineering tool developed by US's National Security Agency (NSA).
It is a suite of disassemblers, decompilers and scripting engines. If you are interested in doing reverse engineering, you can easily enter this field by using this tool.
Xcode is basically used by developers to develop applications for different apple products. This tool is also helpful in doing penetration testing of iOS apps (e.g. analyzing logs).
MobSF is a Mobile Test Automation Framework used for both Android and iOS mobile applications. This tool supports both static and dynamic analysis of applications.
Beginners can start with static analysis of mobile applications with this tool. This tool provides a pretty report of possible vulnerabilities in the application.
Objection is a tool used to allow security professionals to perform penetration testing of iOS applications without jailbreak. This tool comes with rich features such as SSL pinning bypass, dumping of iOS keychain, etc., and can be installed by using the below command:
pip3 install objection
Cydia Impactor
Cydia Impactor is the first tool that you can use to start a security assessment of iOS applications. This tool is helpful in installing IPA files on iOS devices without much pain.
SSL Kill Switch 2
As the name suggests, SSL Kill Switch 2 is used to disable certificate validation. Click Here to download this tool.
radare2 is an open-source reverse engineering framework used for analyzing, disassembling, and debugging binaries.
This is the most used tool by security professionals to intercept HTTP requests and responses. While assessing iOS apps, this tool is very much helpful to play with HTTP traffic just like in web application security.

FileZilla is used to transfer files and it supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS. It is absolutely free to use and one of the most used tools while performing iOS application security assessment.
gdb is a debugger used to run time analysis of iOS applications. This tool is quite helpful in introducing breakpoints and changing the flow of the iOS application.

Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer and an all-weather tool used by security professionals. This tool helps in analyzing the network traffic of iOS mobile apps.

This article talks about 12 iOS Application Security Testing Tools that can be used by iOS mobile app penetration testing professionals.
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