Difference Between HTTP & HTTPS

Today we will discuss the difference between HTTP and HTTPS is? While browsing the internet, you have seen that some sites are loaded with HTTP, and some are loaded with HTTPS. In this article, we will study the differences between HTTP and HTTPS.
HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, while HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. Both protocols are used for the transmission of data from source to destination over the internet. In technical terms, HTTP and HTTPS both are used for exchanging information between the user’s browser and the web server. The basic difference between HTTP and HTTPS is extras, which ensure data transfer securely over an untrusted network called the Internet.
HTTP is a widely used protocol for exchanging information over the internet. It uses the default port 80. The main weakness of this protocol is it sends data in plain text. Assuming you are entering credit card details while payment on an e-commerce website—those payment details are transmitted to the server in plain text. If a malicious user intercepts the traffic, which is not very difficult, he/she easily views credit card details. This created a risk of exposure to sensitive data. This risk is mitigated by using the protocol HTTPS.
Click Here to learn about the SSH Protocol
How does HTTPS secure data?
This protocol helps the internet in transmitting data more securely. HTTPS is used to exchange information or data over the internet, but this protocol encrypts data before sending it to the communication channel. It uses default port 443. It secures traffic by encrypting data by using cryptographic algorithms such as symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. By using HTTPS, both the server and the user’s browsers use a secret key to access data. If a malicious attacker intercepts data, data is still useless for the attacker as it is encrypted. Data only be decrypted by using the secret key. In this way, traffic remains secure while transmitting.
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Difference between HTTP and HTTPS
In http, url begins with http:// | In https, url begins with https:// |
It uses default port 80 for transmission of data. | It uses default port 443 for transmission of data. |
Works on the Application layer. | Works on the Transport layer. |
Data is transmitted in plain text over the internet. | Data first encrypted and then transmitted over the internet. |
No certificate is required. | SSL certificate is required. |
Considered as insecure transmission. | Considered as secure transmission. |
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