Learn 15 Google Search Tips & Tricks for Best Results

Nowadays, Google is a gateway to unlimited resources of the Internet. Still, whether you are using Google to its full potential. Below I have mentioned 15 google search tips and tricks that help you extract the information you want from google.
- Search results in only a particular website - Give all results from the allabouttesting.org website related to Linux. This search query enables users to search for specific information from the website.
site:allabouttesting.org linux

- Search for the exact phrase - Give all results have the phrase "Top 25 Linux Commands for Beginners" in the results. You just need to mention searching phrases in quotes.
"Top 25 Linux Commands for Beginners"

- Identify linked pages - Help in finding web pages related to the website.

- Compare two terms by using the keyword "vs"
Amazon vs Google

- Use an asterisk (*) for wild card search - Search possible match with an asterisk for finding "international * news"
"international * news"

- Find similar websites by using the keyword "related" - It helps identify other e-commerce websites similar to allabouttesting.

- Solve maths problem by using mathematical operators between them
8 * 56
- Find Conversions from one unit to another
1 US dollar in Rupee

- Search word with all its synonyms by using ~
- Extract google results without a particular word or phrase by using hyphens
site:allabouttesting.com -linux

- Find a specific file type by using the keyword "ext"
site:allabouttesting.org ext:pdf

- Don't worry about the spellings errors much, Google will take care
- Identify login pages on google by using the keyword "inurl". This you can combine with site keyword to find the login portal.

- Search text in the title by using keyword intitle
Below query searches "mobile" keyword in all titles on the website allaboutesting.org
site:allabouttesting.org intitle:mobile

- Search specific type of file by using keyword "filetype"
You can combine this search with other available options and get results. You can search pdf type document in website allaboutesting.org
site:allabouttesting.org filetype:pdf

- Using OR operator in google search
Below query search "google" or "mobile" keywords in the title of articles on the website allabouttesting.org
site:allabouttesting.org intitle:google | mobile

In short, Google is awesome. You can find almost anything by using the above-mentioned tips and tricks. Still, this is just one bucket of water from the ocean. Refer to the exploit DB google dork repository for more google tips and tricks.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.