President Biden Releases a New Executive Order for Securing Artificial Intelligence

Biden Administration issues an executive order for safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. This executive order helps to secure privacy and protect the American people from the risks of AI.
The Biden Administration includes the following initiatives for promoting safe AI by signing the Executive order.
- 1) New Standards for AI Safety and Security
- 2) To protect the Privacy of the American people
- 3) Promote Equity and Civil Rights
- 4) Better use of AI for vulnerable section
- 5) AI for labor
- 6) AI for innovation
- 7) America be in a leadership role in the field of AI
- 8) Ensuring the use of AI efficiently in government
1) New Standards for AI Safety and Security
- Developers need to share the safety test results of big AI systems with the government
- Work on the development of new standards for safe AI
- Protect US people from AI fraud (e.g. AI-generated content)
- Establish a cyber security AI program for managing software and fixing vulnerabilities
2) To protect the Privacy of the American people
- Protect the privacy of the American people by using AI techniques
- Fund research in developing cryptographic tools to protect private data
- Develop guidelines for government agencies to check the effectiveness of privacy-preserving techniques
3) Promote Equity and Civil Rights
- Use of AI in such as way that advances equity and civil rights
- Proper safeguards available for algorithmic discrimination
4) Better use of AI for vulnerable section
- Responsible use of AI in medical
- Promote the use of AI in the education sector
5) AI for labor
- Do study and prepare a report on the impact of AI on the labour market
- Minimize surveillance, bias, and job displacement because of AI in the labor market
6) AI for innovation
- Promote research in AI by funding researchers and students in the field
- Provide help and assistance to small developers and entrepreneurs
7) America be in a leadership role in the field of AI
- Work with other countries to promote the use of AI in a safe and secure way
8) Ensuring the use of AI efficiently in government
- The efficient use of AI in government minimizes the associated risks such as discrimination and safe decisions
As mentioned in order, the US is already working with allies to work on an AI governance framework. Currently, a lot of discussions are happening with different countries and the UN.
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