Quick Tutorial: gau (GetAllURLs)

gau is an open-source tool used to extract URLs from different sources. This tool is inspired by Waybackurls, developed by TomNomNom.
This tool is very effective for reconnaissance. Once you provide the target URL, it will provide a list of URLs linked with the target.
The below sources are used to fetch URLs:
- AlienVault
- the Wayback Machine
- Common Crawl
- URLScan
You can download the tool from the below repository:
Link: https://github.com/lc/gau
First, update the Linux version by using the below command. I have installed the tool on Kali Linux.
sudo apt-get update
After the OS update, install the go language by using the below set of commands.
sudo apt install gccgo-go

sudo apt-get install golang-go

go install github.com/lc/gau/v2/cmd/gau@latest

To run gau, use cd to ~/go/bin
cd ~/go/bin
(1) Display all available options of the tool
./gau -h

(2) Run for a single URL
echo <example-url> | gau

(3) Display the version of the tool
./gau --version

(4) To skip the specific extensions of the URL
./gau --blacklist png,jpg,gif <example-url>
(5) To show a more detailed output
./gau --verbose <example-url>
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.