Quick Tutorial: How to Install Git on Kali Linux

Git program is a free version control system used to manage code in both small and large projects. This program allows different users on the same project and works on it simultaneously without losing any data. This tutorial covers How to Install Git on Kali Linux.
Follow just the three steps mentioned below to install Git on your system easily.
Step 1: Update Kali Linux system first.
sudo apt-get update

Step 2: Upgrade the system. This step may take more time depends when you upgrade the system last time.
sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 3: Install git now.
sudo apt-get install git

Now just type git in the Terminal to check whether Git is installed properly or not.
If all options are available in the Git display, you can assume an installation of git is complete. Now add users and files of the project on Git.

How to Install Git on other Linux based distribution
dnf install git
zypper install git
Click Here for installation of git on other Linux based distribution
This short tutorial covers how we can install Git on Kali Linux. We can install the program by just typing 3 lines of code on our Linux system.
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