Short Tutorial: Reverse Engineering Tool radare2

radare2 is a reverse engineering tool/framework that is extremely useful for disassembling, debugging, patching, and analyzing binaries. This tool is pre-installed on the popular Kali Linux operating system. radare2 is based on a command-line interface tool. This blog covers installation/ uninstallation and utilities available in radare2 tool.
- Installation
- Uninstallation
- Utilities available with radare2
- Available options in rax2
- Available options in rabin2
- Available options in radiff2
- Available options in radare2
- Available options in rasm2
- Available options in rahash2
- Available options in rafind2
- Available options in ragg2
- Available options in rarun2
- r2frida
You can install it by using the below set of commands:
git clone cd radare2 sudo sys/
make uninstall make purge
Utilities available with radare2
rax2 | helps in base conversions |
rabin2 | extract information from executable binaries |
radiff2 | display differences |
radare2 | main tool in the framework |
rasm2 | support multiple architectures including Intel x86, x86-64 for assembling and disassembling |
rahash2 | supports multiple cryptographic algorithms to check the integrity of files |
rafind2 | help in finding byte patterns in files |
ragg2 | compile high-level program into binaries (x86, x86-64, ARM) |
rarun2 | Useful for Solving crackmes, Fuzzing and Test suites |
Available options in rax2

Available options in rabin2
rabin2 -I <classes.dex>

Available options in radiff2

Available options in radare2

Available options in rasm2

Available options in rahash2

Available options in rafind2

Available options in ragg2

Available options in rarun2

It is a project that allows the connection of radare2 with the popular tool Frida. This project works well both for Android and iOS environments.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.