SSH Protocol: Quick Explanation

The SSH protocol is also referred to as Secure Shell. It is mainly used to communicate from one desktop to another remote desktop by maintaining confidentiality and integrity.
You can understand the usage of the ssh protocol by taking an example. Suppose you are at home, and you got a call from your boss to provide a critical file stored on your office computer. Here the SSH protocol solves your problem. It securely connects your office computer to your home desktop to complete the task.
SSH Protocol
It provides strong authentication by implementing the public-key cryptography technique. It also provides integrity by using a standard hash algorithm such as SHA-2 and communication data security by using a strong encryption algorithm such as Advanced Encryption Standard. This protocol is an alternative to telnet, rlogin, non-protected login protocols, and FTP, which are insecure file transfer methods.
How Does SSH Protocol Work?
It works based on the client-server model. It implies the client sends a request to communicate with the server. Once the client confirms the server's identity using public-key cryptography, it establishes the connection between the client and the server. Later both exchange data by using cryptography algorithms for encryption and hashing.
To summarize, here are the steps mentioned below for connecting the ssh client to the ssh server:
Step 1: The client sends a request to connect the server
Step 2: Server shares public keys
Step 3: Exchanging more keys and confirming identity, opens up a secure communication
Step 4: The user can log in to the server’s operating system.

Applications of SSH Protocol
It helps a lot of professionals in achieving security objectives in many ways which include:
- Helps in the diagnosis of network problems by issuing network commands remotely
- Transfer files securely
- Helps in establishing secure connections to users and automated processes
- It helps in mitigating man-in-the-middle attacks and secures the communication channel
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