TCP Packet Explained

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a highly reliable host-to-host protocol supporting multiple network systems, documented in RFC 793.
Table of Contents
Structure of the TCP packet

TCP Packet contains the following fields
- Source Port and Destination Port fields (16 bits each) - Source and Destination port number
- Sequence Number field (32 bits) - sequence number of the first data byte or data octet
- Acknowledgment Number field (32 bits)
- Data Offset field (variable length) - indicates the starting point of data
- The reserved field (6 bits) is kept for future use and must be zero.
- Flags field (6 bits - URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN) - signifies different flags
- Window field (16 bits) - mention the window size of the sender
- Checksum field (16 bits) - to ensure the integrity
- Urgent pointer field (16 bits) - point to urgent data type
- Options field (variable length) - multiple options
- Data field (variable length)
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