Top 15 Best Practices of Network Firewall [Updated 2025]

You have heard about the firewall. A firewall is the first line of defense to protect IT infrastructure from any malicious attack. In this article, we will see the Top 15 Best Practices of Network Firewalls. Firewalls are broadly classified into two types: software and hardware firewall. Software Firewalls are generally used in your personal desktops, while hardware firewalls are generally deployed at data centers and corporate offices. If you are interested in knowing 10 Simple Tips to Secure Desktops/ Laptops from Malware Click Here.
Here is the list of Network Firewall Top 15 Best Practices:
- Default Denies All Traffic - Default denies all network traffic and allows only ports and services which are required.
- Security Policy - An organization must have a written security policy and implement the same while doing firewall configuration.
- Not use root id - Run the Firewall service as a unique user id instead of the administrator or root id.
- Passwords - Change default passwords for firewall devices. Also, change it periodically and take care of password strength.
- Defense in depth - Never rely on packet filtering. Use other filtering techniques to protect IT infrastructure from malicious attacks.
- Filter traffic - Filter packets based on source and destination addresses.
- Physical Access - Control physical access to the firewall. This is obvious but should be strictly followed.
- Patch management - Patch the firewall’s operating system and application software to get the vendor’s specific update.
- Network Segmentation - Use network firewalls internally for segment networks. Also, implement a firewall to satisfy an organization’s security policy.
- Security Audit - Conduct security tests against firewalls regularly and correct them on any issue.
- Log Management - Always use a secure remote Syslog server. It helps to prevent the manipulation of logs by a malicious attacker.
- Service Provider - Consider managed service providers for firewall management to get expertise in the field of firewall management services.
- Change Management - Use change management practices for a network firewall. Document everything on changing any configuration.
- Secure Desktops - All desktops should run a personal firewall in the network. This acts as an extra layer of security if your desktop or laptop using public wifi and is more susceptible to attack.
- Backup - Regularly back up the firewall rule base and configuration files in read-only backup devices.
Installing a firewall does not make your data secure. Follow the best practices mentioned above while installing and operating a firewall.
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