Top 25 Example Usage of ffuf Web Fuzzer

ffuf is an acronym for “fuzz faster you fool!”. In one line, ffuf is an open-source web fuzzing tool developed in go used to identify hidden resources. But first, we understand what Fuzzing is? It is a process of sending random inputs to get errors or unexpected output. Sometimes fuzzing output provides a goldmine to an attacker in the form of the hidden admin page, injection errors, etc. In this article, we will see the installation and top 30 examples of ffuf web fuzzer.
You can install ffuf by using one liner command:
go get
git clone cd ffuf go get go build
To install go,
apt-get install golang
Don't forget to add the go/bin directory in PATH variable to use the tool from any directory.
To verify proper installation and version of tool,
ffuf -V

Disclaimer: We are using URL https://test-url as an indicative target for enumeration hidden resources. You can replace the URL with the target after taking proper approvals/permissions from the target owner.
Top 30 Examples of ffuf Web Fuzzer
(1) Basic command used to brute force website
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ
(2) To fuzz parameters
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url?id=FUZZ
(3) To fuzz headers
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url -H "X-Header: FUZZ"
(4) To fuzz URL with POST method
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url -X POST -d "var=FUZZ"
(5) To fuzz vhost list
ffuf -w <path-vhosts> -u https://test-url -H "Host: FUZZ"
(6) To find subdomains without DNS records
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/ -H "Host:"
(7) To filter based on status code
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -fc 404,400
(8) To filter based on amount of words
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -fw <amount-of-words>
(9) To filter based on amount of lines
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -fl <amount-of-lines>
(10) To filter based on size of response
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -fs <size-of-response>
(11) To filter based on amount of words
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -fr <regex-pattern>
(12) To control rate of sending packets
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -rate <rate-of-sending-packets>
(13) To run scan for specific time or less than specific time (in seconds)
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -maxtime 60
(14) To fuzz substring
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/testFUZZ
(15) To limit maximum time (in seconds) per job.
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u https://test-url/FUZZ -maxtime-job 60
(16) File discovery with specific extensions
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u http://test-url/FUZZ -e .aspx,.php,.txt,.html
(17) To sent POST request with fuzz data
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -X POST -d “username=admin\&password=FUZZ” -u http://test-url/FUZZ
(18) To FUZZ specific format file after directory
ffuf -w <path-wordlist> -u http://test-url/FUZZ/
(19) Recursion is used to perform the same task again
ffuf -u https://test-url/FUZZ -w <path-wordlist> -recursion
(20) Scan each domain with Wordlist1
ffuf -u -w <path-wordlist>:Wordlist1
(21) Scan multiple domains with Wordlist1
ffuf -u https://Wordlist2/Wordlist1 -w <path-wordlist>:Wordlist1 <domain-list>:Wordlist2
(22) To introduce delay (in seconds) by using -p
ffuf -u http://test-url/FUZZ/ -w <path-wordlist> -p 1
(23) To speed or slow scan by using -t (default is 40)
ffuf -u http://test-url/FUZZ/ -w <path-wordlist> -t 1000
(24) To save output by using -o and for format -of
ffuf -u https://test-url/FUZZ/ -w <path-wordlist> -o output.html -of html
(25) To run scan in silent mode
ffuf -u https://test-url/FUZZ -w <path-wordlist> -s
ffuf is one of the best and fast web fuzzing tools. This tool is similar to wfuzz and gobuster. A large number of options available to exploit the functionality of this tool. I have just covered some commands to use this tool.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.
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