Top 5 Real World Examples of Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of things, in short IoT, is a new buzzword nowadays. First, understand the term IoT. In simple terms, IoT is the network of connected physical devices, home appliances, transport vehicles, etc., through sensors, embedded software, actuators, etc. It collects a lot of data and improves the quality of life by providing proactive information and managing available resources.
This blog lists the Top 5 real-world examples of IoT.
1) Smart Home
The smart home is the buzzword for the world now. Nowadays, Everybody needs to be smart, so why don’t your home? The average person is spending two-third time of his life in his/her house. A smart home means lights automatically go off when you sleep, doors open when you are expecting any guests; the police automatically get a message if something unusual sound comes into your house, and other similar applications that help and improve the quality of life.
In the simple terms, a smart home means efficient use of every resource available in the home.

2) IoT in Agriculture
As the world population increases day by day, hence demand of food and agricultural products increases. IoT devices can help farmers by providing early information regarding weather forecasts, research related to soil, advanced food production techniques, etc. IoT devices used in farming considers one of the fastest-growing fields in IoT.

3) IoT in Healthcare Facilities
Nowadays, everybody wants a healthy life. IoT may play a critical role in making you fit and achieve your goal. Using gadgets collects health data, segregates it, and makes a plan to keep you healthy. IoT also helps identify individual health risks and diseases early, inform hospitals in case of emergency, etc.

4) Smart city
The smart city signifies managing housing problems, managed traffic, less pollution, more urban security, smart police surveillance, etc. By installing sensors in the city, citizens can manage free parking, identify routes with less traffic, feel more secure as all city covered with smart CCTV surveillance cameras, street lights switch off automatically in the morning, collect garbage and dispose of based on input provided by sensors and other facilities smartly provided by the city.

5) IoT in Industry
As demand increases, the industry also wants to use IoT to increase efficiency in the supply chain and increase productivity by connecting all data sources. It is also termed Industrial IoT (IIoT).

IoT may revolutionize the world in the coming years. But one concern is the security of data used in IoT. Everything is connected to IoT, which creates more risk for individuals. As IoT provides a lot of flexibility, it also provides more space for cybercriminals and hackers. As gadgets become cheaper and cheaper daily, we hope a cheap gadget does not mean less security.
Image Credit: pixabay
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Nice article, real and good content.