Quick Tutorial: WPScan WordPress Security Scanner tool

This tutorial covers the usage of the WPScan tool, which is a WordPress security scanner. WordPress is one of the popular content management systems and almost 30 percent of websites in the world use it. WPScan is a Ruby-based CLI tool and has a database of more than 23,000 WordPress vulnerabilities. Click Here if you are interested in learning the Security Audit of WordPress Applications.
WPScan is pre-installed on different penetration-testing Linux distributions(Kali Linux, Parrot, etc.). Although it can be installed by using the below command:
gem install wpscan
Download Link
You can download and install WPScan by using the below GitHub link:
Why WordPress is popular among bloggers?
The simple answer is website development in WordPress is very easy. You can develop almost any type of website by using different available plugins and themes. Also, WordPress is quite active in providing security updates regularly.
WPScan Tool

Usage of WPScan Tool

What types of issues are identified by WPScan?
This tool is able to perform a lot of tests that identify the following issues:
- WordPress version identification
- Identify installed plugins and themes,
- Usernames, and password identification using brute force
- Find wp-config files
- Find database dumps
- Find exposed error logs
- Enumeration of media files etc.
Usage Examples
(1) First Scan
You can start your first scan by using --
url with the target WordPress website.
wpscan --
url https://<url>
(2) Check popular themes
Identify popular themes in WordPress website and scan associated vulnerabilities using -t option
wpscan --
url https://<url> -t
(3) Use the WPScan API token to display vulnerability data
You need to register on the website to access the API tokens.
url https://<url>--
api-token <token>
(4) Bruteforce passwords
This allows identifying users with weak passwords via password via brute force
wpscan --
url https://<url> -passwords <path-of-password-file>
(5) Update the Scanner
You can update the WPScan vulnerability database by using --
wpscan --

(6) Scan vulnerable themes
Use this option to identify vulnerable themes
url https://<url>--
enumerate vt
(7) Scan vulnerable plugins
Use this option to identify vulnerable plugins in WordPress websites.
url https://<url>--
enumerate vp
(8) Identify the version of WPScan
This option is used to identify the version of WPScan.
wpscan --

(9) Use a random user agent to scan
These options use different user agents to scan WordPress URLs
url https://<url>--
(10) User enumeration
This option provides you to enumerate users on the WordPress website.
wpscan --
url https://<url> -u
WPScan is a powerful tool that gives a nice report to start the application security of a WordPress website. It is recommended to add this tool to your arsenal while assessing the security of WordPress applications.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.