Quick Tutorial: Basics of Process Management in Linux with Examples

The Process simply means a running program that takes resources and provides an output on completion. Remember that a large number of processes are running when you work on Linux systems. A large number of processes simply means running different programs and applications on the system.
Examples: the process is anything that consumes some resources i.e. running commands, opening a browser, terminal, etc. If you open the Firefox browser on the system, the corresponding process id will be created for it.
This Quick Tutorial covers the Basics of Process Management in Linux with Examples.
A Process may be categorized into two types: Foreground Processes and Background Processes.
Foreground Processes - Processes that need to start and need input from users. Example: Music player
Background Processes - Processes that need no input from users and run in the background silently.
- Top Commands
- (1) Display what processes are running on the Linux system
- (2) Display all processes of all users running on the system
- (3) Filter specific processes from all processes
- (4) Find processes that consume the most resources
- (5) To set the priority of a process
- (6) To change the priority of a process
- (7) To move the process to Foreground
- (8) To schedule a job
- (9) Display memory usage of the Linux system
- (10) Display free hard disk space of a system
Top Commands
(1) Display what processes are running on the Linux system

(2) Display all processes of all users running on the system
ps aux

(3) Filter specific processes from all processes
ps aux | grep wireshark

(4) Find processes that consume the most resources
(5) To set the priority of a process
nice -n 10 <process-name>
(6) To change the priority of a process
renice <Priority> <PID>
renice 12 34213
(7) To move the process to Foreground
fg <PID>
fg 2332
(8) To schedule a job
sudo apt install at
at --

(9) Display memory usage of the Linux system

(10) Display free hard disk space of a system

df -H

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