Thick Client Security Testing - Short Tutorial

A thick client refers desktop application that requires the installation to use them. Thick client applications can be developed using Java, .Net, C/C++, etc.
A thick client follows two-tier architecture or three-tier architecture. In two-tier architecture, the thick clients directly access the back-end database via the internet. In the three-tier architecture, the thick client accesses the back-end database via the application server. Sometimes thick client applications use proprietary protocols for communication. Examples of the thick clients are video editing software, video conference software, MS Office, MS Outlook, etc.
In this article, we will see the procedure to be followed. We will also explore vulnerabilities in thick client applications. Additionally, we will discuss tools used for accessing their security.
(1) Information Gathering
Gather as much information as you can related to thick client applications like
- Application architecture (whether it is two-tier or three-tier)
- Programming language/frameworks used for development
- Under authentication in the application
- Under authorization in the application
- Understand the business logic of an application
- Under network communication used in application
(2) Following Test Cases need to be performed (but not limited to)
- Test the application for sensitive information
- Test Injection vulnerabilities
- Test Authorization issues
- Test Errors Messages on failures
- Test for disabled functionalities
- Test for Encryption keys
- Test log files for secrets
- Check code obfuscation
- Test for read/write access of Registry
Please refer Penetration Testing Checklist of Thick Client
Tools used
- Wireshark - network analysis tool
- IDA Pro - static analysis tool
- OllyDBG - static analysis tool
- CFF Explorer - PE Editor
- Sysinternals Suite - bundle of Sysinternals utilities
- Detect It Easy - to determine file type
- PEid - Identify different signatures of PE files
- Ghidra static analysis tool
- Winhex - memory analysis tool
- Metasploit - exploitation framework
- BurpSuite Pro - Intercept proxy tool
- Nmap - identify open ports
- sslscan - identify ssl vulnerabilities
- Nessus - identify outdated components of a thick client application
- Procmon - to monitor processes
- Burpsuite - to test web application security
This is just an introductory article to start the security assessment of thick client applications. Although this blog offers a method and tools used for thick client security assessment.
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.